Tuesday 8 July 2014

20k Milestone

We did it!

20000 Views in 2 years and 64 followers. Thankyou to everyone who visits my humble blog and reads my shocking grammar. Means a lot to me and gives me motivation when motivation is lacking.

Next 12 months.
Not sure what the next 12 months holds for me and my wargaming ways. Have to admit that the hobby of wargaming doesn't hold me as much as it once did. The amount of time and money ive put into the hobby in the last 2 years has been great and in all honestly ive played maybe 100 games in 2 years. So that works out to around $50-75 per game played. I know its poor form to look at it like that but focus changes and in hindsight I went on many un-wisets that I should have been smarter about.

So enough of that dribble. I plan to slowly work my through my big pile of scale models. Next up I feel like Chinese......
Also on the table at the moment im finishing up some Dystopian Wars models for a mate. When they are done im shifting back to the glorious realm of 15mm Sci-Fi.
Ive always had a big love for the 15mm stuff, the ranges are amazing and gives me the ability to pick and choose whatever I wish to play with. Rules will be gruntz and Tomorrows War. Funny thing is that my 15mm sci-fi stuff ive held onto longest. Everything else gathers dust or sits unused so I sell it off.

If your still reading this thanks again, hope to give you many more posts of entertainment.
Best regards


  1. Congrats on the milestones, I hope to get there one day! I can relate to your current views on wargaming. It's a bit of a bubble really, all the enthusiasm at the start, then it shrinks back to something that fits in a bit more with real life. Cheers, Paul :-)

  2. Congrats! Yeah, right now I'm in a slump myself, seems most local gamers have gone underground. Maybe its my breath...
    Keep up the blog! Its a winner!
